The Beauty of Giving

Bashayr Alabdullah
2 min readJun 5, 2023


Something I Would Love to Share

This morning, during my meditation, the idea of “giving” occupied my thoughts. I notice the amazing people around me who always find ways to give back. They’re like superheroes spreading love and positivity wherever they go. I feel lucky to have them in my life ❤️.

Now, when we think of giving, it’s important to remember that it’s not just about physical things. It’s about generosity in all its forms.

For example in Islam, there are several types of giving that don’t cost a thing. One such form is Zakat. It’s a way for Muslims to share a portion of their wealth with those in need. It’s a beautiful practice that helps bridge the gap between people with different standards of living. Another form is Sadaqah, which extends beyond material possessions. It includes acts of kindness, charity, and even sharing a simple “smile”!

But giving doesn’t stop there! Sharing knowledge is a way to give back. In Islam, there’s a great emphasis on educating and helping others. So, whenever we have the chance, let’s share our knowledge and help others grow.

Sometimes, the most valuable thing we can give is advice. When we see someone in need, offering some guidance can make a world of difference. Being there for one another and showing the care.

What about giving love 😍? Expressing empathy and love to those around us is a gift that keeps on giving. Let’s make an effort to spread love wherever we go.

Taking the time to help others through acts of service and kindness is a beautiful way to give.

Kindness to animals 💛 can make a BIG difference to you…

But you know what’s also important? Giving yourself a break. It’s essential to be kind to ourselves and take the time to rest and recharge. So, let’s prioritize self-care and give ourselves the love and care we deserve.

Sometimes I feel really down for various reasons, but hey, c’est la vie! So, I’ve tried many things to change my mood. It’s rare to find something that can make me “feel good” all the time, but one thing that brings me happy is practicing the art of giving :)

Keep giving 💚



Bashayr Alabdullah

Salam, I'm Tech Engineer 🚀. I blend technology insights, inspiration, and fun in my feed. #innovation #discovery 🥑🎶🎯🌻 *my personal -own- thoughts*