Setup Your VR Mobile Environment

All you need is Unity game engine and Android device.
If the Android Build Support component didn’t select during installation, go to unity hub > installs > click on three dots menu > add modules > select Android Build Support

Import Google VR package
Open Unity engine, then download the latest version of GoogleVRForUnity_*.unitypackage from here.
Once the package is downloaded, click on it and it will be opened on Unity, if not go to Assets > Import Package > Custom Package > select the package from your directory you downloaded in.

Click on Import button. “for high performance you can uncheck the demos folders”.
Configure settings
File > Build Settings

Choose Android and click Switch Platform, then click on Player Settings.
Go to XR setting, enable Virtual Reality Support > press on + select Cardboard.

select > Other Settings > choose Minimum API Level (support API level 19) or higher.
To test the environment, Enable Developer options in your mobile then back to File > Add Open Scene > build and run
don’t forget to connect your mobile with computer through USB!

Next post we will build a simple VR game!