Self Investments

Bashayr Alabdullah
3 min readDec 30, 2022


You love yourself, don’t you?

You are already knowledgeable about investing your money, but have you considered how to invest in yourself?

Why is it important to invest in yourself?

Investing in yourself can bring about positive and distinct changes in your life. Without self-investment, your capacity to help and love others may be limited.

“investing in yourself is the best investment you will ever make. it will not only improve your life, it will improve the lives of all those around you.”

Robin S. Sharma

Here are the rules…

Rule#1: Love yourself

  • To begin investing in yourself, the first step is learning to love yourself.
  • This involves practicing self-affirmation and refraining from using negative language towards yourself.
  • Remember, prioritizing yourself over others is not always selfish. It’s okay to say no when necessary, and doing so doesn’t inherently mean you’re doing something wrong.
  • Distance yourself from toxic friends orpeople.
  • If you’re in a situation that makes you unhappy, whether it’s a job or a social setting, take steps to leave. Focus on self-improvement to secure a better job or to simply walk away from an uncomfortable party.
  • Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. Acknowledge what you feel and have internal dialogues. Ask yourself questions like “Am I happy today?” Identifying pain points and challenges is a method for building motivation, as well as organizing your thoughts and feelings.

Rule#2: Self-care

Trying to do one small act of self-care per day will help transform your life for the better. For more about small changes, check my blog, “Agile Humans.”

  • Sleep, sleep, and get enough sleep. Ever since learning about the detriments of sleep deficiency from a friend, I’ve been committed to getting enough rest. Good sleep is a fundamental form of self-care, with noticeable benefits for your health and overall life.
  • Workouts plan. Doing exercises helps you take care of your body and thus take care of your health and yourself. And making a plan for your workouts will help you continue to do them. Nike Training Club: Fitness 4+ app can help you choose any programs there and follow the plan.
  • Mindful Eating. How often do you cook for yourself? Preparing your own meals allows you to choose healthier ingredients. It doesn’t always have to be a completely healthy meal, but understanding what you’re consuming is important. Ask yourself, is this what my body needs?
  • Be Yourself. Avoid the trap of comparing yourself to others.
  • Take it easy. Try not to overcomplicate things or get overwhelmed by excessive emotions. Keep life simple.
  • Life isn’t work. Find a hobby. You’ll feel more satisfied when you make time for a hobby. It might be watching Netflix or your favorite show on YouTube or swimming!
  • Learn small things. Adopting a habit of learning something new every day is a powerful way to invest in yourself. It could be a new language or a professional course. This practice will bring joy and a sense of achievement, knowing that your day has been productively spent.

Rule#3: Make yourself happy

There are many ways to find joy throughout your day, such as helping others, practicing mindfulness, or enjoying a favorite food. I can’t prescribe a universal method for happiness, as it greatly depends on your personal perspective on life. However, embrace your own approach! Endeavor to identify what brings you the most happiness and then wholeheartedly invest in it.

Rule#4: Reward yourself

Did you get a promotion in your work? Did you pass the exam? have you reached the desired weight? It’s time to reward yourself. Celebrate things, no matter how small you think they are. I remember discussing the matter and the power of celebrating small successes with my friend that evening. Since then, I have been trying to celebrate every achievement.

Ultimately, the time and energy you invest in yourself can lead to a healthier, stronger, and more improved version of yourself.

What you experience tomorrow depends on how you invest in yourself today.



Bashayr Alabdullah

Salam, I'm Tech Engineer 🚀. I blend technology insights, inspiration, and fun in my feed. #innovation #discovery 🥑🎶🎯🌻 *my personal -own- thoughts*