Browse YouTube Using Slack Command
Create slack-command to browse YouTube and deploy it using OpenShift … Have fun :)

Yes I’m lazy to go browser while working to open YouTube searching for something I need! Why just write a simple command on slack to do that? … yeah it’s not a bad idea for me… Here we will show how to do that.
You can find the source code here, also find all resources at the end
Build Go YouTube and Slack API
First of all we need to have an account on Google to be able use YouTube’s data API. Check the getting-started guides.
OpenShift Configuration
hint: find the yaml of OpenShift’s objects here.
create BuildConfig and ImageStream:
oc apply -f bc.yml
oc apply -f is.yml
build image from local:
oc start-build slack-youtube-cmd --from-dir=.
complete create the other objects:
oc apply -f dc.yml
oc apply -f svc.yml
oc apply -f route.yml
for security purposes, write all your secrets using secret object (e.g. slack token, google developer token...etc.)
Create Slack-command
In your workspace (WS) from here:

write name, and choose the WS then press ‘Create App’.
Go to ‘Basic Information → Add features and functionality → Slash Commands’ :

click on ‘Create New Command’

write keyword of command, request url, and simple description then save. The `Request URL` is your routing link:
To use and connect to your app in code you need `Client Secret`, back to ‘Basic Information’ then copy the secret to your code.
Now add the app to your WS, go to: ‘Install App to Your Team’ then click on the button of the installation. It will redirect to the page of requesting permission to access to your WS. Let’s try it :)

/youtube VR High Immersion Developer Capstone (briefly result!)

Easy right?