Agile Humans

Bashayr Alabdullah
3 min readSep 17, 2022


small changes big results

I want to share with you a wonderful experience on how to build a habit.

unintentional habit

Thursday has been a boring and sad day for me the past two years for many reasons 🤷‍♀️ (Thursday is the last working day in my country so I should be happy and ready to the weekend, hanging with my friends…but I was going to bed early!). The past six months I decided to change the idea of that and make Thursday a fun day by doing something special ONLY on Thursday:

  1. I read books about any topics except the ones related directly to my work.
  2. Floor sitting setup ❤️ I sit in my room on the floor every Thursday and eat, watch YouTube and sometime I take a nap 😉
  3. Family ice-cream every Thursday 🥳 🍨

I unintentionally built new habits: reading books outside of my field + sitting with my family more time!

by giphy

Now, I wait all week for Thursday 😋

intentional habit

I can say that I was very tense, angry and anxious 😵

My friend Mona advised me to do meditation at least once a week. Indeed, I did it weekly on a Sunday, and then it became a habit for me not to start my week without doing so. I noticed this big change and I love it! Now I go through meditation almost every day 😙

For my health, I wanted to drink lemon water and eat honey in the morning but I didn’t do these together. I said to myself let’s start by drinking lemon water…I prepared the lemon for the whole week and put it in the front of my eyes in the refrigerator so that I wouldn’t forget. After about three months, I have the habit of not doing anything in the morning before drinking lemon water. So I got to the next habit, I was eating honey every day doing the same thing I did with the lemon water:)

Why Agile Humans?

Hmm I’m technology engineer and I think the agile word came to my mind to became the title of this post because this definition:

“Agile is an iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster and with fewer headaches. Instead of betting everything on a “big bang” launch, an agile team delivers work in small, but consumable, increments [1].”

We take small incremental changes in the software world, so why not do it in the human world as well? Building habits should be a small change and adding a new habit should be incremental.

There are so many habits I made a routine out of them. [Habits can become routines]

Currently I’m listening to Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones Audiobook by James Clear. The book mention some of the methods I wrote here highly recommended if you would like to build new good habits or even break bad ones.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this post… Bye :)


  1. What is Agile?



Bashayr Alabdullah

Salam, I'm Tech Engineer 🚀. I blend technology insights, inspiration, and fun in my feed. #innovation #discovery 🥑🎶🎯🌻 *my personal -own- thoughts*